President's Welcome
Tonya Mott
Mississippi Division President
This page was last updated on: 6/22/2024
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Music:  Battle Cry of Freedom
Tonya Mott
District 1
April 15, 2023
Tupelo MS
May 2023

Dear Ladies of Mississippi Division, 

     Let me express heartfelt thanks to all of you for all you do for MS Division and for me! Serving as the leader of our Division is a joy and a challenge. As you may be aware, added to that challenge are health issues, but I am so grateful for all your prayers, assistance, and willingness to serve in any way needed.  

     I would especially like to say thank you to my Starkville ladies for the beautiful yellow roses. I was having a little bit of a bad day, but those beauties brightened my day.  All of you are truly a blessing to MS Division and to me.

  • End-of-year reports are due by August 1, 2023.  Any reports received after August 1st will be put in the minute book, but they will not qualify for awards.
  • Mississippi Division per capita went up $5.00 ($10 to $15) All dues are due before January 1, 2024, payable to our Division Treasurer, Bunnie Tisdale.  If your Chapter's per capita is not sent to her by Jan 1st, your Chapter will pay a late fee and a reinstatement fee.
  • Send a list of Chapter officers (2023-2024) to our Division Recording Secretary and Division President by August 1, 2023.  The form was in the Presidents' packet that was handed out at April's Division Workshop in Louisville. The form may also be found on the UDC General website under "FORMS."
  • Division Convention is September 21-24.  Hotel reservations may be made at Centennial Plaza in Gulfport; ask for the MSUDC rate. We will be voting on Bylaws. The Delegate Form will be sent out this summer for Convention.  Don't forget that Chapter delegates need to be elected by your Chapter and submitted on this form. See you at Convention!

                                                                    In UDC Love,